HallowRook's Art and Comic Links
Hi! I'm HallowRook/EvanGato! Here are the links to my webcomics, art galleries and social media!
Custom Adoptable Races
You can select different races for your custom adopt while ordering on my ko-fi. There are several races you can pick for your custom adopt's design! Just scroll down and choose your desired race.To order, please go to https://ko-fi.com/evanbird/commissions and select Custom Adoptables.Please do not steal or use any of the artworks and images below as they belong to their respective owners/adopters.

Fox Spirits
There are different types of Chinese fox spirits (狐狸精). They hunger for lifeforce of humans and aim to cultivate themselves into immortals and celestials. Their morality can be ambiguous or questionable. Most fox spirits also acquire abilities to disguise themselves as humans and parade among the human population. Their power is measured by their number of tails with nine tails being the most powerful and immortal. An average fox spirit probably has 1-3 tails. Thus many fox spirits try to harness power or exercise cultivation in order to gain nine tails.Types of foxes:
✧ Sun Foxes - Bright coloured fur, sun motifs. Fire element.
✧ Moon Foxes - Pale coloured fur, moon and water motifs. Water/ice elements.
✧ Star Foxes - Dark fur with starry and galaxy patterns. Star and cosmic motifs. Light element.
✧ Blood Foxes - Dark-coloured fur. Blood and demonic motifs. Dark element.

Rabbit Spirits
Rabbit spirits live in tribes that are very tight knit and communal. They live in an intricate community of burrows, run by a chief or a chieftess. They have warrior-dancers who are a prestige class of rabbit spirits given a honorable task of protecting their burrows. Rabbit spirits are one of the spirits with the most affinity with the forests and nature. While gentle and serene in nature, rabbit spirits do possess a fierce soul when it comes to protecting their loved ones.Types of rabbits:
✧ Fire rabbits - Bright coloured fur, fire and crimson motifs. Fire and light element.
✧ Metal rabbits - Metallic/shimmering fur. Metal, crystals and mineral motifs. Metal and light elements.
✧ Wood rabbits - Floral and wood-like fur colours. Floral and plant motifs. Wood and nature elements.
✧ Earth rabbits - Earthly fur colours. Earthen and natural motifs. Earth and nature elements.
✧ Water rabbits - Pale fur colours. Water, ice, sea and lake motifs. Water and ice elements.

Cat Spirits
Cat spirits of the Sunless Realm are feral and territorial. They are regarded as one of the fiercest hunters of the forests. Cat spirits are able to possess multiple tails as well, akin to fox spirits. Like fox spirits, they can have a maximum of 9 tails. Sadly, seeing a 9 tailed cat spirit is a true rarity as most cat spirits are too busy hunting, lazing about, loafing in their cat forms and looking for affection. While domestic cats are least likely to become cat spirits, there are some rare instances of pet cats who lived beyond their average lifespans and turning into guardian spirits that protect their owners and household.Types of cats:
✧ Sun Cats - Bright coloured fur, sun motifs. Fire element.
✧ Moon Cats - Pale coloured fur, moon and water motifs. Water/ice elements.
✧ Star Cats - Dark fur with starry and galaxy patterns. Star and cosmic motifs. Light element.
✧ Void Foxes - Dark-coloured fur. Death and demonic motifs. Dark element.

Wolf Spirits
Wolf spirits are perhaps the most feral of all animal spirits. They enjoy hunting in their wolf forms and engaging in more animalistic, primal and beastly behavior than any other animal spirits. Like regular wolves, wolf spirits are pack hunters, live among packs and communities with shared roles and responsibilities. They have a rather hierarchal pecking order. They are neither patriarchal or matriarachal, both alpha males and alpha females of a pack see each other as equals and share leadership responsibilities over their pack or tribe.Pack hunting is most vital to the success and survival of wolf spirit tribes. Young wolf spirits are trained to hunt and forage in early childhood.Types of wolves:
✧ Sun Wolf - Bright coloured fur, sun motifs. Fire element.
✧ Moon Wolf - Pale coloured fur, moon and water motifs. Water/ice elements.
✧ Star Wolf - Dark fur with starry and galaxy patterns. Star and cosmic motifs. Light element.
✧ Blood Wolf - Dark-coloured fur. Blood and demonic motifs. Dark element.

Spider Spirits
Spider spirits are matriarchal. They live in tribes or clans ruled by a spider matriarch. A matriarch can have several husbands/mates or a harem of mates as she pleases. A spider matriarch is served by her daughters, tribe maidens, her husbands, serfdom and small militia of warriors. Spider spirits have a seductive reputation, just like fox spirits. There are legends of female spider spirits seducing human males into their traps in order to feast on their qi.Types of spiders:
✧ Sun Spider - Bright coloured skin, sun motifs. Fire element.
✧ Moon Spider - Pale coloured spider, moon and water motifs. Water/ice elements.
✧ Star Spider - Dark skin with starry and galaxy patterns. Star and cosmic motifs. Light element.
✧ Void Spider - Dark-coloured spider. Death and demonic motifs. Dark element.

Dragon Spirits
Dragon spirits are revered as descendants of celestials and divine beings. They are highly respected by many spirits and demons and even humans have paid homage to their divine ancestry. They are powerful, majestic and dignified beings who regard themselves as a force of nature.Types of dragons:
✧ Fire dragon - Bright coloured scales, fire and crimson motifs. Fire and light element.
✧ Metal dragon - Metallic/shimmering scales. Metal, crystals and mineral motifs. Metal and light elements.
✧ Wood dragon - Floral and wood-like scale colours. Floral and plant motifs. Wood and nature elements.
✧ Earth dragon - Earthly scale colours. Earthen and natural motifs. Earth and nature elements.
✧ Water dragon - Pale-coloured scales with blue or seafoam colour scheme. Water, ice, sea and lake motifs. Water and ice elements.

Snake Spirits
Snake spirits are vicious hunters who strike with merciless precision and lethality. They are feared among the spirits for their dangerous and unpredictable demeanor. Yet, they are protective of their own children and family. Snake spirits are also thought to be seductive and alluring creatures. However, those who are caught in their seductive trap are bound to meet a terrible demise.Types of snakes:
✧ Fire snake - Bright coloured scales, fire and crimson motifs. Fire and light element.
✧ Metal snake - Metallic/shimmering scales. Metal, crystals and mineral motifs. Metal and light elements.
✧ Wood snake - Floral and wood-like scale colours. Floral and plant motifs. Wood and nature elements.
✧ Earth snake - Earthly scale colours. Earthen and natural motifs. Earth and nature elements.
✧ Water snake - Pale-coloured scales with blue or seafoam colour scheme. Water, ice, sea and lake motifs. Water and ice elements.

Raven Spirits
Like fox spirits, raven spirits are cunning and highly intelligent. They are known for being elusive tricksters and enigmatic sages. They believe themselves as descendants of the Great Phoenix but somewhere along their lineage their kind has met a tragic demise that blackened their feathers. Nonetheless, raven spirits are strong, willful and clever creatures who would refuse to be outdone.Types of ravens:
✧ Fire raven - Black feathers with fiery tips and eyes, fire and crimson motifs. Fire and light element.
✧ Metal raven - Metallic/shimmering feathers. Metal, crystals and mineral motifs. Metal and light elements.
✧ Wood raven - Dark feathers with floral and verdant tips and highlights. Floral and plant motifs. Wood and nature elements.
✧ Earth raven - Dark feathers with earthly highlights. Earthen and natural motifs. Earth and nature elements.
✧ Water raven - Albino feathers or dark feathers with blue or seafoam colour scheme. Water, ice, sea and lake motifs. Water and ice elements.

Unicorns are legendary magical creatures from another realm. Cousins to the revered qilins, they are blessed with powers and gifts from the beyond. Their horns are said to contain miraculous powers, ranging from healing wounds to cleansing poisoned water.Types of unicorns:
✧ Sun unicorn - Bright coloured fur, sun and celestial motifs. Fire element.
✧ Moon unicorn - Pale coloured fur, moon and water motifs. Water/ice elements.
✧ Star unicorn - Dark fur with starry and galaxy patterns. Star and cosmic motifs. Light element.
✧ Void unicorn - Dark-coloured fur. Void and demonic motifs. Dark element.